Learner Visit to The Princes Trust
As part of the Project Based Learning programme, learners were invited to The Princes Trust to gain an insight into how their attitudes and relationships within situations can affect a situation or environment.
Learners used public transport to get to the venue. Following social expectations when using the local transport.
At the Princes Trust, learners individually signed in to the building for fire safety purposes, listened to Linzi McMasters instructions - being very respectful towards the staff of their property.
Various tasks were experienced and to complete them students needed to listen to instructions, work with new people use teamwork and be open-minded towards sharing their opinions.
Kolb’s Learning Circle
Strategies used to complete a time challenge.
Batari’s Box
Strategies used to realise how personal behaviour and attitudes can affect others' behaviour and attitude. Green being positive, Red being negative.
Learners gave their attention and were really involved with the tasks.
Following the event, the learners enjoyed a packed lunch and returned to Trinity Solutions using public transport.