English | Speaking, Listening and Communication

Have you ever had to give a presentation to a group of people and then take and answer questions at the end?
If the answer is ‘No’ – then my next question is :-
How would you feel about having to give a presentation to a group of people and then take and answer questions at the end?
If the answer is that this would make you nervous, anxious or fearful, then have a heart for our English Learners, who each have to do just that!
The English assessment is formed through Reading, Writing and Speaking, Listening and Communication skills.
Group Discussions
Learners are required to take part in a formal discussion – ranging on topics from Graffiti issues, healthy eating, addictions, the impact of social media and many more.
This means that Learners have to remember facts, figures and information from a variety of sources; listen and respond to points of views that might be different from their own; all whilst being respectful, calm and collected in order to get their points across.
But that’s not all!
In addition, Learners have to give a presentation about a topic of their choice and answer questions on the topic. The most recent topics have been Jack Russell, Being a Carer, A Day in the Life of a Motor Vehicle Learner, Should Cannabis be Legalised?, My Work Placement at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and My Favourite Bicycle.
The Presentation (given without notes or reminders) must be between 3 and 5 minutes before answering detailed questions from other Learners.
Our courageous, unflinching and quite frankly, incredibly AMAZING Learners have to do all this, whilst also remembering to talk in Standard English (no Slang or Swearing!!!)