Engine Operation
This week learners on the level one diploma in light vehicle maintenance have been learning all about engine operation in unit L1AM03. This unit enables learners to develop knowledge, understanding and skills associated with the basics of engine operation and the different types of engine layout.
During this unit learners explore the difference between two and four stoke internal combustion engines learners also identify components from both engine types and remove and refit a cylinder head from a non-running stand engine.
As always learners are assessed on all aspects of the practical work from stating how to remove a cylinder head to physically carrying out the task. Learners are reminded throughout sessions to work safely and put away tools after use and leave their work space clean and tidy.
This unit is the first of many where learners will get the opportunity to work on engines and independently, but also, show their understanding of the units we have covered so far (health and safety and tools and equipment) by showing during assessments they can follow instructions and use tools and equipment in a safe and effective manner.