A Frosty Morning on the Farm

On a very frosty Tuesday morning this week, the temperature was 2 degrees, with a clear, crisp sky and a light frost covering the ground. We decided to do an animal welfare check on the farm, with the land based learners, starting with the pigs. Their pens were secure, and the bedding was dry and plentiful. Water supplies were checked, and despite the cold, no freezing was observed.
Next, the chickens were checked. All were accounted for and appeared healthy, with ample straw in the coop to keep them warm. The water trough was topped off, ensuring that it didn’t freeze. Similarly, the ducks and geese were monitored for any signs of distress due to the cold. They were in good condition, foraging happily on the frozen ground, and their water was fresh and accessible.
The goats were given extra attention as they are particularly sensitive to cold. They had enough hay to keep them warm, and their shelter was draft-free. Their water was also checked, and there were no signs of freezing. Finally, the horses were attended to. They were in the barn, calm and well-fed, with plenty of hay to ensure they were warm and comfortable.
After completing the welfare check, we headed back to the hub. The cold had made the learner’s hands and faces stiff, so a round of hot chocolate was enjoyed as a well-earned reward. The warmth of the drink was a welcome comfort, and the learners felt reassured knowing the animals were safe and cared.