LGBTQ+ Community Safety
For the Safety of our LGBTQ+ community, we want to share this warning which was sent from Northumbria Police about an Internet Hate Group, Pridefall, who are attempting to gather support amongst the online community to carry out a sustained and escalating online attack on people who identify as LGBTQ+.
Internet Hate Group Pridefall are attempting to gather support amongst the online community to carry out a sustained and escalating online attack on people who identify themselves as being gay or part of the gay community, LGBT Plus.The attacks will involve identifying people who display as having an LGBT - Plus sexuality online, making contact with them via fake Instagram, g-mail and twitter account, initially asking questions regarding their sexuality but becoming more and more abusive as contact continues. The attacks will begin on the 01/06/20 and continue throughout Pride Month for the entire month of JUNE.
Please be aware and help protect those being targeted, use this LINK to report any hate crime!