Black Lives Matters
Recently, the Black Lives Matter movement dominated the front pages due to the escalating mistreatment of the black community: from everyday racism to unnecessary prison sentences, to violence at the hands of the public and police.
Across the Trust, it is our role to promote British Values such as respect for all races and to prepare our students for their future as global citizens and potential parents. Jessica, Post-16 English Tutor, therefore compiled a Fiction Reading List to encourage students to access works written by black authors about life in their community, see the list here. We hope that students will benefit from seeing the world through an alternative lens and reflect upon their behaviours and attitudes accordingly.
Furthermore, in June, one of our English work packs comprised of:
- a research task into the names of those murdered by police e.g. Breanna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Eric Garner,
- reading comprehension questions for articles written by black journalists, and
- writing tasks including an email of advice to a victim of racist bullying, an anti-racism campaign for college, and a response to the question, “Is it acceptable to protest during a pandemic?”
This is only the beginning of the work that Jess and Solutions will continue to do to ensure that we promote equality in our provision. We hope that we too can affect positive change from our classrooms.