National Storytelling Week

Storytelling has been part of every culture since cave paintings. It is how we as people communicate our emotions and experiences, forge connections to others and create communities. We tell stories every day in a number of ways, including those listed below:
As part of our celebrations this week, Jess’ Level 2 learners have been utilising anecdotes as part of persuasive article writing; Level 1 learners have been sharing moments from last year for which they are grateful, and Enrichment students have been exploring how artists use music and lyrics to tell a story.
Furthermore, staff at Solutions were asked to offer an example of a book that carries meaning for them, and explain why they value reading in their lives. Here are some of their responses:
Chosen Book: A Little Princess(Frances Hodgson Burnett)
It's for children but is so magical. It stuck with me because there is a rule from an Indian fable where if you are in a circle, you are safe. The little girl makes her own safety by drawing a circle with a chalk. It is all about overcoming the bad things that can happen, recognising the fortune you do have and helping others.
Telling stories… Is important for sharing where we are from. From A Little Princess, I learned about an Indian fable without going to India. I'll share my favourite Liverpool stories with Ruby, so she knows something about my home.
Chosen Book: Nightmare Before Christmas
One of my best friends bought this book for my son as a Christmas present. We read it together every Christmas Eve. It reminds me of my friend who allows me quiet time with my son on Christmas Eve and is a beautiful story that helps keeps the magic of Christmas alive.
Telling stories… Is important because they have allowed me to enter into other people’s lives and worlds. The descriptions of some of the towns, cities and countries I have read about in books let me imagine being there and it relaxes me.
Chosen Book: What A Flanker (James Haskell)
Haskell is a great role model as he has great values towards life and rugby and the book gave me an interesting insight into professional sport.
Telling stories… Provides great insight into something or someone you are interested in and allows you to learn new skills. It can promote creativity in your personal and work life.
Chosen Book: The Water Babies (Charles Kingsley)
This story brought about legislation to stop children from being used as slave labour and mistreated (e.g.Tom the chimney sweep).
Telling stories… Changes the world! It can change a baby’s world by giving them new words to say and new worlds to imagine. The WaterBabiesmade the national change and transformed many lives.
Chosen Book: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
It openly discusses mental health in a funny, adorable and completely relatable way. It was given to me when I was feeling a little low and it made me fall in love with life again.
Telling stories…reminds us that we are not alone. Sometimes human beings feel like they are the only ones going through certain experiences or emotions but when we read, we find out that we belong somewhere: there are people just like us! Reading other people’s stories can help us to connect with them, but also give us a new perspective on our own lives.
Sarah B:
Chosen Book: Of Mice and Men
My favourite part is when George is retelling the dream to Lennie for comfort, but the ending was just so sad!
Telling stories…sparks imagination and creativity. Most of all, I enjoy reading stories to my children.