The 16 to 19 tuition fund

Children and young people across the country experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds were among those hardest hit. 

The government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up. 

Trinity Post 16 Solutions Ltd fully utilised the funding issued in 20/21, with no underspend. Evaluation at: The 16 to 19 Tuition Fund 16 to 19 Tuition Fund Statement 20/21

For 21/22 Trinity Post 16 Solutions Ltd used this funding for their 16–19 Study programme and target support for our learners to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months in line with DFE Guidance and prioritised support for disadvantaged learners. Similarly for 22/23, Trinity Post 16 Solutions Ltd used the funding for their 16-19 Study programme as well as targeted support for learners to mitigate the disruption they faced to their education. Learners were assessed in Autumn 1 to identify any significant gaps in their learning and staff were hired to provide targeted support in maths and English.

Learners who were identified as below their expected level received individualised bespoke interventions which included: 

  • Small group (maximum of 5) intervention for maths, English or vocational learning 
  • SEN Small group (maximum of 5) intervention for maths, English or vocational learning or mental health and wellbeing support provided by our parenting team 
  • 1:1 intervention for maths and English (specifically for GCSE learners) 
  • 1:1 Individualised Support for identified mental health difficulties